

Last semester in my business journalism course, we became a part of our school media, California State University of Long Beach, beach media. Beach media includes five of our campus publications, keeping students updated on all the news on campus and in the Long Beach area. The DIG winter launch event was one of the most significant projects we worked on last semester. DIG came out with a winter issue with the “inner child” theme. In this assignment we worked as a group to plan and execute the event. We had about five different tables, each with a different activity. The first table is the raffle and goody bag table. Students followed us on Instagram at the table to win a good bag. We also gave goody bags to the first 25 students in line at the event. The second table was our Candyland station, where we allowed students to make their bags of candy. Our next station was the time capsule station. At this station, students can create and decorate their time capsules. Our fourth was our friendship bracelet station, where students made their bracelets. Finally, our last station was a rock painting station, where we used paint pens so students could decorate their rocks. Our event also had two photographers who shot images on their cameras and the school Polaroid camera. Our event was a great success; some students even said it was the best DIG event yet. We increased DIG Instagram followers by over 150 followers. Although it was difficult to make cuts throughout the event to meet our budget, we successfully met it.