About Me

Once upon a time, there was a girl who graduated high school and started college on Zoom.

I just turned 22 this past February; I'm a Valentine's Day baby, which says a lot about my personality. I'm currently a fourth-year student at California State University of Long Beach. After three years of being a business marketing major and completely online since I “graduated” in the high school class of 2020. I want to say “graduated” because my high school, Downey High School, had our ceremony via Zoom, which wasn't as amazing as you probably expected. After two weeks into my third-year spring semester and finally having face-to-face classes again, I officially changed my major to something more character-fitting: public relations. Even though my first three years of college were held online, I didn't experience what many might describe as the best four years of my life. In the past year and a half alone, I’ve experienced being a part of beach media and assisting with all the publications offered here at CSULB. My proudest moment from being a part of Beach Media has to be the winter launch event we planned and executed for DIG. I'm also a Public Relations Society of America member looking for a summer internship. Anything along the lines of social media marketing with a preference for the beauty industry would be my dream career choice. Although I didn't experience all four years of college face to face, I'm making the best of the year and a half I was given regarding the circumstances. I'm excited to finally have a proper graduation ceremony as I graduate in winter 2024. Hopefully, I can be an example to all students; it doesn't matter how you start, it matters how you finish.