How do you post and stay consistent on social media platforms without overthinking?

When I first started uploading content consistently on my social media, I was scared. I was scared of what people would say and what others would think of me. Once I downloaded the social media platform TikTok, I was immediately glued to my phone, constantly watching videos and scrolling for hours. Eventually, I gained a solid connection with TikTok. I saw it as a social media platform for people to upload funny, short videos. So that is how I treated it, something not as severe or permanent as Instagram or Facebook. That’s when I started uploading short videos consistently. My follower count has grown over the past year, beginning at 0 followers and increasing to about 5,000 followers, with almost 200,000 likes on my profile. Once I stopped caring about people making fun of my content or having opinions about my content, I blossomed. I’ve had people recognize me doing everyday activities, telling me that they enjoyed watching my video. That keeps me going because for every person with something negative to say, always remember there are five people with something positive to say. So yes, I make silly videos on the internet, and I do it because I love it; my passion is beauty and empowerment, so if sitting on my vanity and chatting away as I show my audience how to do a full get-ready with me and showing my audience tips and tricks of how to get their makeup to look like mine to make them feel good about themselves is my calling in life is here for it. It’s sad, but maybe the people around you will not support or share your content. But that is because people will always want to see you do good but never better than them. There are approximately 4.95 billion people on the internet. Don’t allow those people to discourage you when you have dreams to live up to. Just be a good fucking person!